Montag, 9. April 2012

Rainy day

Hi                                                                                          (english below)

Leider war das lange Wochenende total wechselhaft, und auch ich habe ein paar Regentropfen abbekommen.
Das hat mich jedoch nicht davon abgehalten einige Fotos am Rhein zu machen.

Die dicke Strickweste hielt zwar warm, aber es war bereits so kalt, dass ich meine Winterjacke vermisst habe...ja, ja..der April hält sich jedes Jahr dran, und macht, was er will...

This weekend we had a little sunshine, but it was very cold. It was a rainy weekend, but I wanted to shoot some pics for you.
The sweater was cosy and warm, but it was too cold without the jacket...I think I will wear my winter jacket for the next days!
Here we go:
Sweater: EVAW
Dress: EVAW
Boots: Tommy Hilfiger

3 Kommentare:

  1. I really like your blog !!

    I want to start a blogpresentation and if you want to, you could apply for it ;)

  2. Really funny: I just checked out your looks more closely on lookbook and now I've been in the forum, found your blog and realised it was you ;-) I really like the look above!
